Buckmore Park, Petersfield
Gentian owns two sites at Buckmore Park in Petersfield in joint venture with Sunnyday Capital, a well established London property company.

What we did
A 16 acre site to the north of Buckmore Farm has planning consent for 85 dwellings subject to S106 obligations, this residential land has been sold to Dandara. The new spine road was completed in June.
We have Reserved Matters Approval for a 4,730sqm (50,000sqft) urban logistics park. Set across 5 buildings with unit sizes ranging from 260 to 1,990sqm with 4m loading doors and 10m eave heights, the scheme will achieve a BREEAM excellent rating and will allow tenants to maximise solar power generation. Given the sensitive location within the South Downs National Park, the scheme will provide significant landscaping throughout the site. A landscape inspired sustainable drainage system will provide significant biodiversity improvement and a green roof and 200m of new hedgerow planting will also help improve the green infrastructure across the site.
Our other site is 4 acres adjacent to the A3 services south of Buckmore Farm. Part of the site has been sold to a classic cars storage company. On 3 June we received full planning permission for a 12,303sqft industrial building and a 2,940sqft drive thru and bakery unit. We will commence construction in the second quarter of 2025.